As part of our council's lead-up to Customer Engagement Initiative (CEI), we are in the process of updating all troop information in our system. Over the coming weeks, we will be asking for your help in updating your troop and girl records to ensure that all of your data will transfer to the new Volunteer System. To help us get there, we are offering expanded troop data access for all leaders.
In the new system, each troop will have two identical Troop Leader/Co-Leader positions. The new Volunteer System is not able to differentiate between 01 and 02 volunteers, so all current 01 and 02 positions must be merged.
As of this week, all 02s with an Active status now have online access to the troop tab. This means that any active leader can now:
- Register girls in your troop for programs
- Update troop info
- Update girl info
- Request troop transfers
Important Note:
Volunteers (01 or 02) who have not submitted CBC paperwork or have pending status cannot access troop information. If you currently have an In Process
status it is critical that you complete submission of your CBC documentation immediately in order for your volunteer position to transfer to the new system.
Your help is needed!
We are already hard at work preparing our data for the new Volunteer System, and we need your assistance. Please take a minute to log-in to the Online Registration System to review the following:
- All active girls must have a Guardian 1. Girls without a Guardian 1 will have no household assignment in the new system.
- All parents, members, and volunteers in our system need an active email address (it can be the same one for all family members).
- All active troops must have a meeting location and address including a zip code. We also need you to complete your troop grade level, meeting times, etc.
- Other information, such as girl grade, date of birth, address, and phone numbers, should be accurate and up to date.
If you see that information is wrong and you are unable to update it yourself online (such as spelling of names), please email corrected information to by April 7.
You will continue to receive more information about the Customer Engagement Initiative between now and our May launch date. If you have any questions, please visit the CEI page of our website or contact