Operation Cookies From Home (Read Page 5 of the cookie Manual.)
- Any girl who gets an order for OCFH on her order form or on line, gets credit for the packages.
- Donations collected at a cookie booths are usually deal with one of two ways: the packages are evenly divided among all the girls selling at that booth - OR - all money collected from all booths are put into a “pot” and divided among all the girls in the troop. These boxes can also be used to bump girls up to the next incentive level.
- There are two ways to full the troop’s OCFH order. If the troop has enough leftover packages to fill their need, the packages are taken down to Valley Forge on March 25. If the troop does not have sufficient packages, it does a virtual transaction. The cookies will be transferred into the troop but no cookies will be physically picked up.
- Please do not place a virtual order until you are sure that no troop has cookies left over. By transferring cookies into your troop, you will be helping a troop to not lose part of their profit paying for un-sold cookies.
- In SNAP go to Transfer orders;Troop to girl; from your troop ;to your troop ;select girl.
- Using the girl’s G-1 form enter the total boxes sold by variety. You do not have to put any number in the booth box. If you do, it will be added to the total already entered.
- DO NOT HIT ENTER MORE THEN ONCE OR IT WILL PRODUCE A DUBLICATE ORDER. If that happens let Alice know and she will fix it.
- Note that on the screen where you choose the girl’s name the “quantity available” must go down to zero. That means all packages, sold and un-sold, must be transferred down to the girls.
Please read page 10 of the cookie manual. The recognition order can be made only after cookies are transferred down to the girls. Changes to both the transferring down to the girls and the recognition order may be made until the end of the sale.
Delinquency Issues
Read page 8 in cookie manual. When a family is not keeping up with the cookie payments good record keeping is very important. Keep copies of all emails, dates of all phone calls and any face-to- face conversations.
Finishing out the sale -- -- -- paper work
After the third sweep (March 23) is posted in SNAP you will have to give me two SIGNED copies of each the Recognition Summary by Troop and Troop Balance Summary showing a zero balance. If a reconciliation sweep is needed, hold your paper work until the Troop Balance Summary shows a zero balance. Please read the top of page 8 (banking) for information about the reconciliation sweep and requesting an extension for the third sweep.
What to save after the sale is over
The G1 forms, the receipt books and one copy of each T-8 should be kept until the end of 2017.