North Penn Service Unit: Breaking News!

Following the  orders of Gov. Wolfe for the Commonwealth ,  all physical events & activities in the NPSU are suspended indefinitely.

Journey in a Day: It's Your Planet: Juniors
Trinity Lutheran Church: Social Hall
Saturday, April 14, 2018
Cost: $8 per Junior
(Troops are responsible for their own ratio adults and FACPR adult)
RSVP by April 2nd.  All moneys due by the April SU Meeting on April 5th.

Click here for Registration

Monthly SU Meeting: April 2018

Date: Thursday, April 5, 2018
Time: 7pm
Location: Trinity Lutheran Church, Lansdale

For more information, visit the NPSU closed FB page.

Reminder: Country Line Dancing

All Girls Scouts, their Family and Friends are
Welcome to Join us for Country Line
Dancing Lessons, a Snack and a Craft on Saturday, April 21st.

Where: Trinity Lutheran Church, Hyson Hall
When: 2pm - 4pm

Girls must be chaperoned by Background Cleared adults to the GS Wise ratios.

Participants are $6 each.  Chaperones are free.

Space is limited so register today!

Bridging @ Davinci

Girl Scout Day: Bridging Day

Program for Pre-Daisies – Juniors
Enjoy all the exhibits at the Center and earn your Bridging patch in one day! On this special day we will have Pre-Daisies through Cadettes learning and teaching each other Girl Scout activities all morning long. Bridging patch included.
Designated Time Slots: Juniors (8:30 am. – 10:30 a.m.), Brownies (9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.), Daisies (10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.), Future Daisies (11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.)

Click here for more information and to register.

Reminder: Philly Scout Nights

Phillies Scout Nights
April 11, 2018
April 22, 2018

Click here for more information


Starting in March they now have girl scout build-a-bear parties too!  You can call   (610) 992-1037 for more information on parties  if you're interested

1 Girl Scout bear for each guest (value up to $20) plus 2 Girl Scout items (Items include Girl Scout clothes or accessories). 
The "S'more Bear" is available starting March 8!

GS T-Shirts

Show your GS Pride with one of 2 cool designs!  Click here for designs and order forms.  Contact Heather for more information.

GS Camp

It's Girl Scout Camp time!  With different locations and camps for all ages, there's sure to be something you'll  enjoy. And remember, you don't need to already be a registered Girl Scout to sign up! So, make sure to tell your friends to join you this summer. 

Start the school year with an exciting story to tell and sign up for camp now. For a full listing of resident and day summer camps, check out the 2018 Camp Guide and register today!

Bridging 2018 Survey

Click here for the link to the 2018 Bridging Survey. Please complete this survey by March 23rd. This survey only contains questions on bridging girls as Council will be sending out a survey later this month on leader information. Only one response is needed per troop.  If you can't answer the questions in survey yet, please state so in the comments and we'll reach out to you next month.

Let Beth & Dessie know if you have any problems with the survey.

Pysanky Eggs 2018

Join Troop 7656 for their annual Pysanky Egg Making on
Saturday, April 7, 2018
Check-in at 12pm (Event runs 12pm-4:30pm)
St. Maria Goretti Roman Catholic Church
Parish Center Basement
Hatfield, PA
Cost: $20/person (inc. 2 eggs, adult instruction, and snack)

Contact Meg for questions

Click here for the flyer

Sad News

It is with great sadness that our Girl Scout Service Unit family mourns the passing of Alice's husband, George.  He has been not only extremely supportive of Alice's devotion to the Girl Scout community but was himself a huge supporter.  Every scout in our SU has been touched by Alice's dedication and we extend our condolences to the entire Murphy family in this time of sadness.  Visitation will be held on Friday from 9am-9:45am, followed by the Mass of Christian Burial at 10am, at St. Maria Goretti Roman Catholic Church in Hatfield. 

Please share this information with your scouts and parents. 

Upcoming Events

Click here for our upcoming Service Unit and Troop events!