North Penn Service Unit: Breaking News!

Following the  orders of Gov. Wolfe for the Commonwealth ,  all physical events & activities in the NPSU are suspended indefinitely.

Electronic Forms

Make sure you have Health Forms for all your girls, even if they are staying in place from last year with no changes.  If you are meeting outside your normal place/time, you also need a Permission Slip (in addition to a Day Trip form, see below).  If you will be discussing anything listed on the Sensitive Issues Form (like religion, global citizenship, safety, etc), you need a form.  (I suggest doing one that covers the year and checking off multiple boxes, with the date range of Oct 1, 2015-Sept 30, 2016 as a way to fully cover yourself if you are discussing any sort of possible sensitive issue.  I keep my forms with my Health Forms.)  Parents can fill out a Financial Aid form if they need help with Registration (which must be done via paper if submitting FA) or Dues.  *Adults can also do FA requests for their Registrations.   (Mail FA with Reg to: Girl Scouts of Eastern PA, Attn: Financial Aid Request, 2633 Moravian Avenue, Allentown, PA 18103)

Day Trips (all  day trips, regardless of distance from meeting place)
Overnights (1-2 nights or 3 nights w/ holiday)
Extended Trips (these get submitted to and DO NOT get submitted to me for approval.  You may cc me on the email so that I have you in our records, but your approval will come from Council, not me.)  Along the lines of an Extended Trip, this is the Parent Permission Form for an Extended Trip.

Did someone get hurt on your event or trip?  Fill out the Claims Form and submit ASAP.

Do you need to know if someone has a COI on file?  This is the current list of on file COIs.  If you need to submit a request, use the COI request form.

Is your event High Risk?  If so, you need a High Risk Form.  (I'm sorry to report that it seems trampolines are still a no-no.)

Are parents driving?  Are you driving Girl Scouts anywhere?  Make sure your drivers are background cleared, registered as adult GS, and that you have the Driver Form on file.

Are you allowing non GS participants at your activity or event?  This includes non-Scout children.  If so, then you need to pay for Plan 2 insurance.  (Forms that include non-registered Scouts will not be approved without Plan 2.)  If you need other insurance, this link lists the different types available.

Upcoming Events

Click here for our upcoming Service Unit and Troop events!