This year's NAR will start on Oct 1.
Profit on nuts/candy has been raised a nickel to $0.80 and magazines by 1% to 11 %.
All level of troops may choose not to take the recognition awards, getting only patches, and will receive $.85 and 12%. (entire troop must choose this option)
Troops that sell $750 in NAR and increase their INIITAL cookie order by 20% will get an additional $0.02 per box in cookie proceeds.
There is a new Cross Program Patch. Any girl who sells 10 NAR items AND 24 cookie packages will receive a special patch. (This is the minimum recognition level for both programs)
The girl order taking period is Oct.1 to Oct. 23 (Nuts/candy orders, paper magazine subscriptions, reach out booklet)
No late orders will be accepted.
On-line sales will continue to Nov. 19. Recognitions earned by on-line sales will be automatically adjusted to the girl's record by GSEP.
The ACH sweep will be Dec. 7 with 100% of the amount owed to council will be taken from the troop's account.
If you are having a troop parent handling your NAR program please remember that they must be registered with background clearance. Also, they should self register as fall product person. If the leader is handling NAR she should also self appoint as the fall product person.