North Penn Service Unit: Breaking News!

Following the  orders of Gov. Wolfe for the Commonwealth ,  all physical events & activities in the NPSU are suspended indefinitely.

Last Call: Girl Advisor and Girl Delgate positions (deadline 2/16)

GSEP is still accepting applications for the Girl Advisor and Girl Delegate position. 

Girl Advisors
The position of Girl Advisor to the Board of Directors is a leadership opportunity for a current 10th and 11th grade Girl Scouts to participate in the responsibilities of the Board and provide girls’ perspectives on policy decisions to the board. The position is a non-voting position and nominees will be elected by GSEP’s Delegate Council at the annual meeting on Saturday, May 6, 2017, for a one year term. Two or three girls will be selected to serve.

All interested girls should complete the application (docx version or pdf version) and provide two references (docx version or pdf version). The application and references must be received via email or postmarked no later than Thursday, February 16, 2017.
You can also apply using the online application!  If you would like to submit an online application, please click here.
Girl Delegates
Girl Delegates will also be elected by the GSEP Delegate Council at the annual meeting on Saturday, May 6, 2017. This position is for a one-year term, from the end of the annual meeting on May 6, 2017, through the end of the annual meeting in 2018. During their term, Girl Delegates become voting members of the GSEP Delegate Council. Girls may serve in this position for three consecutive terms. All girls must be a registered and active member of GSEP, age 14 or older at the time of their election. Girl Delegates are required to travel to three meetings a year: the fall and spring delegate meetings and the annual meeting. Delegates are expected to be open minded and good communicators and should be prepared to:
·         Share their knowledge with girls and adults involved in Girl Scouting.
·         Talk to girl and adult members to learn their opinions about governance issues important to Girl Scouts.
·         Share their opinions and suggestions in a positive and collaborative fashion at Delegate Meetings.
All interested girls should complete the application (docx version or pdf version) and provide one reference (docx version or pdf version). The application and reference must be received by email or postmarked no later than Thursday, February 16, 2017.
You can also apply using the online application!  If you would like to submit an online application, please click here.

Upcoming Events

Click here for our upcoming Service Unit and Troop events!