Join us for a Daisy, Brownie, and Junior Journey-in-a-Day through the It's Your Story program! The cost is $7.50 per girl (with no charge for ratio adults or adult/CSA volunteers); checks should be made payable to Troop 7023. Each troop must submit a registration form with payment, and RSVPs will only be accepted with payment in full.
When: Saturday, April 1, 2017 from 1pm-3pm (Volunteers: 12pm-4pm)
Where: Social Hall at Trinity Lutheran Church, Lansdale
Cost: $7.50 per scout
RSVP by: March 14, 2017
Contact Michele with questions
A maximum of 14 girls per scout level will be accepted; if a minimum of 10 scouts per level or a minimum of 6 volunteers are not registered by 3/14, then refunds will be made and the program will be canceled.